Vacancies at IBSAR

Admissions for BPT is Open for the Academic Year 2024-25.Happy New Year !!!

Jalaneti means guiding water through the nasal passages to cleanse them. A natural technique used by the yogis to stay disease free and most importantly to use the breath well for their yogic practices without any blocks.
we conducted a health camp for the community. The students and staff members assessed height, weight and Blood Pressure of the people. The onlookers on the streets, facility workers,vendors, shopkeepers, senior citizens, mothers.. And more.. assesed their bio parameters. The height measuring machine and the weighing machine were fascinating for people of different ages who came on our stall. A few got their friends and family members as it was free. A mother returning home from school with her two children stopped on the way. The children were 4 and 6 year olds. We were lucky to get space in front of a shop that was closed with shutters down. The heat was scorching but students relentlessly continued their work... As staff members we were directing the crowd.... A wonderful team experience.. That worked in coordination with all.. Well done fellows.. The white coats said it all.